Police Abuse: Using Wiretapping Laws to Avoid Accountability

This is frightening. Police have arrested and charged a man under wiretapping laws for recording his own encounter with police.

The man faces up to sixteen years, though the use of the law in this circumstance is more than stretching it. What is frightening is that rather than addressing problems within the police institution, reprimanding individuals who cross the line, and working with communities to improve relationships, police are using a law to protect themselves. Rather than face their own imperfection, police are arresting civilians whose recordings often force them to be held accountable for their own breaches of the law.

This is not indicative of a strong, healthy, institution with integrity. This is indicative of an institution with something to hide, and power to keep hold of.

Before I’m accused of police-hating, let me stop you there. I am completely supportive of the ideal of a peaceful police force, with the mission to protect and serve (the community). I do not support the militarizing our police forces are and have been undergoing, and I do not support police who abuse their authority. As a lover of freedom, I cannot support tyranny or abuse of the powerful on the powerless. I do not support a lack of integrity. I do not support a lack of respect.

As a lover of freedom, I must demand accountability on behalf of our police force, and of our courts. Police must not abuse their authority. They must not retaliate against citizens who hold them accountable for their wrongdoings. Courts, and the prosecutors that represent our states, must not use their authority to retaliate against citizens for attempting to keep their public servants accountable.

We cannot do it alone. Police must cooperate–in criticizing the failings of the police force, we are not decrying its existence. We are mourning the lack of good cops, the ones who work hard every day, the true public servants. In our criticism, we are calling for the good cops to come forward, to help the public in making the police a more peaceful, effective institution.

We are decrying the friendly fire, and calling for both police and civilians to work together to improve our communities-the communities that both police and civilians work, live, and play in.

Arresting civilians who work to keep our police accountable is not the way to do this. Pass the link at the beginning on–it has a lot of good information and links.

About Brittany-Ann
Brittany-Ann is a proud, self-identified feminist with fictional tendencies. She currently writes for LouisvilleKY.com and moderates at My Fault I'm Female. She smokes camels, reads Dumas, and navigates a conservative state as "one of them darn liberals."

2 Responses to Police Abuse: Using Wiretapping Laws to Avoid Accountability

  1. Quercki says:

    I hope the courts recognize that wiretapping is not video-ing your own arrest. Most cops do a good job and the ones that don’t need to be in less powerful lines of work.

    • Brittany-Ann says:

      Agreed on all counts. I’m fairly certain that the courts will not, that they’ll recognize this was a clear misuse of law on the part of police and the DA, but there’s always that doubt. Especially considering the institution’s tendency to protect their own.

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